USDA Emails from Senior Advisor Rebeckah Adcock from April to November 2017

U.S. Department of Agriculture emails from Senior Adviser Rebeckah Adcock. These emails include communications with lobbyists CropLife America partner organizations including Dow, Dupont, Bayer, Syngenta, FMC, John Deere, and Monsanto. Emails range from April 1 to Nov. 15, 2017.

Read more about these documents: “These Emails Show a Trump Official Helping Her Former Chemical Industry Colleagues,” by Derek Kravitz in ProPublica on Jan. 14, 2019, co-published by the Guardian.

In these records: 

May 9, 2017: Hunt Shipman, a lobbyist for Cornerstone Government Affairs, representing Dow AgroSciences, emailed USDA Senior Adviser Rebeckah Adcock asking who would be staffing an upcoming meeting with Secretary Sonny Perdue. “Yes and u do too,” Adcock replied. 

Shipman said: “Maybe you can have a chair on both sides of the table. Lauren wants Tim solo (which is fine) but maybe you can staff them both?” Adcock then said that if she were in the room, she would be “happy to help both!” 

Sept. 14, 2017: Don Parrish, senior director of the American Farm Bureau Federation, emailed Adcock asking if she “had a minute to talk.” Adcock replied, “Yes, and getting answers.” 

May 16, 2017: Joe Bischoff, also from Cornerstone Government Affairs, emailed Adcock a set of questions he sent to Congress and Rep. Rodney Davis’s office regarding genetically modified crop imports from China, in preparation for a House Agriculture Committee hearing.